Q:為什麼拍攝咖非正義(Black Glod)
A:We were provoked to make a film about coffee after it was announced at the end of 2002 that Ethiopia was facing another famine. Twenty years earlier in 1984, people across the world had been motivated to respond to this crisis by giving aid. The difference this time was that coffee farmers were being caught up in this new food crisis while the global coffee industry was booming.
2002年底,衣索比亞面臨又一次饑荒,這事件引發我們拍攝一部有關咖啡的影片。二十年前,在1984年,世界各地的人一呼百諾,紛紛提供援助,這次的不同之處,在於陷入這場新糧食危機的是咖啡農,然而全球的咖啡產品卻正是景氣大好。We wanted to urgently remind audiences that through just one cup of coffee, we are inextricably connected to the livelihoods of millions of people around the world who are struggling to survive.
我們心急地想提醒觀眾,透過一杯咖啡,我們勢必就與世界百萬人的生計緊緊相連,而這些人正為生存而奮鬥。Coffee is a universal experience enjoyed by billions of people on a daily basis and is part of an industry worth over $80 billion a year. But the people behind the product are in crisis with millions of growers fast becoming bankrupt. Nowhere more evident is this paradox than in Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee.
每天全球有數十億人享受咖啡的香醇,而這只是咖啡產業年產值800億美元的一部份,但是產品背後的人,卻是面臨破產危機的數百萬種植農民。再也沒有任何地方比衣索比亞,這個咖啡誕生地,更加自相矛盾的了。Our hope was to make a film that forced us, as consumers, to question some of our basic assumptions about our consumer lifestyle and its interaction with the rest of the world.
While in Seattle, we had hoped to interview a spokesperson from the Starbucks Coffee Company at their global headquarters whilst we were filming at the Speciality Coffee Association of America’s trade show which Starbucks were sponsoring. Months before we left London we had tried making contact with them but hadn’t had any success. So we approached the head of global press at a panel about “communicating to the media.”
在西雅圖時,我們希望在拍攝由星巴克贊助的美國精品咖啡協會展覽會之際,能在星巴克咖啡公司的全球總部訪問發言人。在我們離開倫敦的前幾個月,我們嘗試與他們聯絡,但是並不成功,因此我們聯繫專案小組的全球媒體主管,提出「與媒體溝通」的請求。Despite promises we received from the head of global press that we would be able to interview an executive - the promise never materialised. None of our phone calls were returned and we left Seattle without the interview.
雖然全球媒體主管答應我們可以訪問一名主管,但是這個承諾從未實現。我們沒收到任何一通回覆電話,就在未進行訪問的情況下就離開西雅圖。Together with Starbucks, all the other major coffee companies which we approached - Sara Lee, Proctor & Gamble, Kraft and Nestle - declined invitations to be interviewed for Black Gold.
與星巴克有志一同,所有我們聯絡過的其他主要咖啡公司-莎拉李(Sara Lee)、寶潔公司(Proctor & Gamble)、卡夫食品(Kraft)和雀巢(Nestle)-都拒絕接受〈黑金〉訪問
Coffee grows in more than 50 countries around the world and employs over 25 million coffee growers.
咖啡在世界50多個國家都有種植,需要超過2千5百萬名咖啡種植者。Coffee is the largest trading commodity in the world after oil, generating annual sales in excess of $80 billion dollars per year.
咖啡是石油以外最大宗的交易商品,每年銷售產值超過800億美元。Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide. Globally, about 2 billion cups of coffee are drunk every day.
咖啡是全世界最受歡迎的飲料。全球每天喝掉20億杯咖啡。America is the largest coffee consuming nation in the world. It is estimated that more than 100 million Americans drink an estimated total of 400 million cups of coffee a day.
美國是全世界最大的咖啡消耗國。預估超過1億美國人一天喝掉約4億杯咖啡。Some estimates suggest that around 3,400 cups of coffee are consumed every second of the day around the world.
有些估計指出,世界每隔一秒就喝掉約3400杯咖啡。It takes fifty coffee beans to brew an espresso and each coffee bean has to be individually hand picked.
50顆咖啡豆才能煮出一杯濃縮咖啡,而每顆咖啡豆都是徒手摘採的。Four multinationals, Kraft, Nestle, Proctor and Gamble and Sara Lee dominate the world coffee market.
四大跨國公司,卡夫食品、雀巢、寶潔和莎拉李,支配世界咖啡市場。The price of coffee is established on the major futures exchanges in New York (Arabica coffee) and London (Robusta coffee).
咖啡的價格是在紐約(阿拉比卡咖啡)和倫敦(羅巴斯塔咖啡)的主要期貨交易所訂出的。Between 2001 and 2003 coffee prices reached their 30 year low.
2001年到2003年間,咖啡價格跌到30年低點。Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee and is known for producing some of the best high grade quality coffee in the world.
衣索比亞是咖啡的誕生地,因生產出最高品質的咖啡而聞名於世。Today, 15 million people in Ethiopia depend on coffee for their survival. It accounts for 67% of the country’s foreign export income.
今日,衣索比亞有1千5百萬人依賴咖啡生存,咖啡占國家出口收入的67%。An average coffee farmer receives less than 3 US cents for a $3 cup of coffee.
每杯3美元的咖啡,咖啡農得到的金額不到3美分。Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world and is more dependent on emergency aid now than anytime in the last twenty years. On average 7 million people need emergency assistance every year.
衣索比亞是最窮困的國家之一,現在仰賴緊急援助的程度,更勝過去二十年。每年平均700萬人需要急難救助。If Africa’s share of world trade increased by one percentage point, it would generate over $70 billion per year – five times what the continent currently receives in aid.
5.04(星期二) 台北/生態綠咖啡
5.06(星期四) 台北/Easyoga華山生活概念館
5.08(星期六) 台北/直走咖啡
5.09(星期日) 台北/穆勒咖啡館
5.14(星期五) 台南/Cheffresh咖啡館
地址: 華山1914文化創意園區 台北市中正區八德路一段一號
電話: 02-2321-1283
地址: 台北市汀洲路三段27巷18號
電話: 02-23657303
5.Cheffresh Cafe
地址: 台南市中正路一號
電話: 06-2214632